Girl -
Performance - Candle burning to start off my video.
Girl -
Close up of my actors eyes
Come, baby -
Performance - Close Up of Jamie's facial silhouette - Lip syncing
Come and get on my level
Breathe it in with me
Let it get to your head then get to mine
Let it get to your head then get to mine -
Performance - Slowly shake camera
I wanna watch you take it in
(Chorus x2)
I'm so high -
Narrative - He's happy because he has money
I'm wasted, I don't wanna come down
Let me take you to Mars, girl -
Performance - Singing into camera as if he is talking to audience
We'll make love on a star, girl
I don't wanna talk -
Narrative - Head in hands - 'doesn't want to talk'
I don't wanna think
I'm up here waiting for you
I'm so high, high, high -
Performance - Points up on every 'high'
You taste so pure, you see something working out, baby
My eyes must be clouded, purple haze -
Performance - white background, 'heaven-like'
Reach in time to touch you
With you all night long
You're my fallen angel and I'm here to take you home -
Performance - Exaggerated hand gestures, 'wanting to take her home'
(Chorus x2)
I'm so high
I'm wasted, I don't wanna come down -
Narrative - Laying in bed, not wanting to move
Let me take you to Mars, girl
We'll make love on a star, girl, so high... -
Performance - Arms spread out above head, questioning...
(Verse Rick Ross)
She's such a centrefold, you other chicks just run along -
Performance - Boys behind him, Tommy walking towrds camera
She s*** on Christian Louboutins, she won’t put it on -
Performance - Shakes head and big hand gesture
No logos on the bag if she got in on the arm -
Performance - Points to arm
All she talk is swag and you know she put it on
On those cold nights fat boy had to keep her warm -
Performance - Refers to himself as 'Fat Boy' - Points to himself
Kept a paintbrush, studying The Art of War
Mr. Brainwash love her to my favourite song
I run with cash money but you know my money long -
Performance - Arms out like he's flying
I don't wanna talk
I don't wanna think
I'm up here waiting for you
Narrative - Panning shot of a stack of £20 notes
I'm so high, high, high.