Tuesday, 4 June 2013

17. Locations

I have chosen to use my cousins house for some of my scenes because the walls are white and it makes the shot look quite sophisticated and classy because there is no disturbance in the background. I think this fits the slow paced r'n'b genre, and also add to the effects of the song narrative as the song is about and artist being in a dream. White is usually the colour associated with dreaming and so i feel that this works well for my mise-en-scene.

I have used a solid brick wall for my artists to perform in front of. I think this relates to the genre because at some points in my video, the song breaks down into a more ghetto/rougher look, and so some form of hoodlem areas are needed to fit all the generic conventions of my music video/genre.

I have chosen to use this garage door as part of my locations as I feel as though the green colour will add something to my video. Most of the video will conist of a white classy background, so by adding a different clear-standing colour will inform the audience that the video wasn't filmed all in one place, and that much thought and understanding has been put into creating this video.

When the song breaks off into the typical rap verse, I have chosen to use an alleyway to portray my rap genre. I think this will look effective because I am going to get people I know, to bring their motorbikes down the alleyway and look like a typical generic rap scene. They will all be standing behind my main actor as he stands in front of the motorbikes and performs.

I have chosen to use this background because it is quite neautral. The stone background looks very effective on camera as it gives the audience the impression that the artist is beforming in the middle of nowhere. I also go back to the idea of the artist being in a dream and so the stoney background adds to this effect.

My final location I decided to use was these green plants grown along a brick wall. I like the image this gives, it is like a forest, somewhere where my character can become 'lost', which ties in with the lyrics of the original song.

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